Chairperson Dr. Priyanka Pandey
Coordinator Dr. Vinayak Shinde

Science club is a better forum for the students to realize their scientific aspiration and fulfil their quest in which they don’t get opportunities within the syllabus framework.


  1. Enhance scientific knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a passion for science among the students.
  2. Provide an opportunity to the students to conduct experiments and explore different scientific concepts in a hands-on way.
  3. To understand the scientific principles and theories in depth by conducting experiments and participating in scientific activities.
  4. To help the students to cultivate a passion for science and inspire students to pursue careers in science-related fields.

Activities carried out:

  • Celebration of Science Day
  • Celebration of important days (birthday of Scientist, world ozone day, Earth Day, World environment day, international day for Biological Diversity etc.)
  • Poster competition
  • Social awareness Programmes